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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gods of War

Much of the right wing infrastructure exists below the radar of American consciousness. Go look up Richard Melon Scaife or the Coors Foundation. What you will find are profiles of a couple of the many well funded and organized wingnut “moneymen”. The two cited are but a couple of examples of the right’s many financial backers. People and organizations of this sort provide the cash to support SO MANY of the crazed batshit anti-science and pseudo-moral movements that seem to dominate modern Republican politics. But make no mistake; despite their organization and dedication, these fuckers are nuts. And they have more money than God. Which leads me to the most dangerous (to date) of the beneficiaries of this crack job largesse; welcome to the American Axis of Evil - The Project for the New American Century.

Founded by none other than Dick “Big Time” Cheney in 1997, this think tank includes such Bush Administration officials and cronies (both current and former) as William Crystal, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Jeb Bush, Scooter Libby, Bill Bennett – aaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh… The list goes on and on and reads like a who’s who of the conservative political activist and talk show mouthpiece cabal. But the media presence of this crew is nothing compared to the actual political power these geniuses wield. The brain trust represented in this group architected our “Mission Accomplished” Iraq. They got us into this mess. Have you seen a plan from them to get out that does not include a “stay the course” or a “when they stand up, we will stand down”?

I didn’t think so. So where does that leave us. The hell if I know – if we leave now, Iraq could become a massive regional clusterfuck or worse. Stay on until we pacify Iraq? How many dead soldiers, dead civilians, lost years and billions of dollars are we willing to spend on such an endeavor? And do we want 130,000 soldiers standing around in the middle of a civil war? Or do we leave at the most convenient moment, what ever that might be? The costs of either cannot be calculated.

So who the fuck knows? I have no idea. But I do know that I don’t want the clowns that set us up for this decision in power long enough to make it. We need to replace our government. And we have the power to do as enumerated by the Founding Fathers, who in their infinite wisdom gave us the power to overthrow an objectionable regime with the casting of a vote. Congress is our last hope to put the brakes on this madness. Otherwise, these assholes are going to lead us into a briar patch for which we have no out…

I leave you with the words of Anti-Flag.

It's a gut check of what you believe

Will you stand up for democracy?
or a New American Century?

UPDATE: I fixed the bad link on PNAC.


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