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Monday, September 18, 2006

Science is cool

The geniuses at MIT have come up with a way to mount wind turbines on buoyant platforms in water as deep as 650 feet. OK – I know that this sounds really boring and lame as a topic for discussion but this is very, very cool. We only have a few renewable, zero emission energy sources that can be scaled out to generate significant amounts of power. Wind is one of those sources, and by almost any measurement, this new plan is a giant leap forward on several fronts.

Per the article, the new design delivers four key benefits over existing systems. First, the platforms have a generating capacity nearly 40% greater than existing offshore wind farms because they can be placed further out to sea where winds are much stronger. Second, the floating platform design is mobile and durable. Capacity can be moved to areas of greater efficiency and need. Plus, they can be assembled at a shipyard, rather than miles offshore, and towed into position. Third, the new system is one-third the cost of offshore tower wind farms. Fourth and last, the platforms can be place far out of sight from the coast, eliminating arguments about reducing views and near coast environmental concerns.

Floating wind farms are not going to save the planet (yet?) but seemingly innocuous and incremental advances like this may end up doing just that. Hats off to MIT.


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