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Monday, April 09, 2007

North Korea in a nutshell

North Korea is one of the more economically fucked up places on the planet. Kim Jong Il is not only evil and crazy but also pretty stupid. The following tale is a perfect example of why citizens of NK need to eat tree bark from time to time.

A German farmer gave the frequently starving national 12 giant (20-25 lbs.!?!?!?!) breeder bunnies to develop a new potential food source. Weird but true; envision as P J O’Rouke did on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” this weekend of herds of giant bunnies roaming the plains of North Korea. Anyway, the Koreans abruptly cancelled the German breeder’s trip to provide advice on bunny husbandry. The reason, he suspects, is that government officials ate the animals for Kim Jong Il’s birthday celebration.

Now that, folks, is just wrong on many, many levels. I don’t care how far fetched the giant bunny plan was, if your compatriots are starving, you give it a shot, no? Not doing so is merely mid-grade dictator, “let them eat cake” evil. But Kim had to go that extra mile and eat them for a birthday treat; an act for which the Dear Leader elevated his game to right hand of Satan evil.

What an absolute fucking bastard.


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