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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Putting economics before all else

In what must be one of more interesting juxtapositions in the news today, Reuters is reporting that, due to global warming, Inuit have been falling through the polar ice and drowning. Meanwhile, an AP story details the Bush Administration’s rejection of yet another multinational accord attempting to limit carbon emissions.

Connaughton, who is on a one-week bipartisan trip to Europe with members of the House of Representatives, said the U.S. favors "setting targets in the context of national circumstances."

Translation: This Administration will not allow environmental policy to interfere with economic growth. So all of you folks living on polar ice or low-lying islands are just gonna have to learn to float.

And maybe this is a really bad deal for the US, but wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear a government representative say something other than no on the issue of climate change.


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