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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What a Dick

From Salon via DailyKos:

Asked by Fox's Brent Baier to say whether he thinks anyone who opposes the war in Iraq -- that would be 65 percent of the American public -- "wants terrorists to win," Cheney says: "I think they have to be responsible for the consequences of the policy recommendations they make. If, in fact, they advocate complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, then they are, to some extent, accountable for what would happen when that policy [is] followed, what happens inside Iraq, what kind of encouragement that might give to al-Qaida."

The vice president says that breaking Americans' will is the key to al-Qaida's strategy. "So if you're going to be a public official advocating withdrawal from Iraq, you, in fact, are also saying that what you're recommending is validating the al-Qaida strategy," he says. "There are consequences to all of these decisions and all of these actions, and a responsible public official has to accept the responsibility for the consequences of what they recommend."

That Dick Cheney is pure concentrated evil is not really newsworthy, but I believe it is important to once again point out that the Administration equates opposing their war strategy to being objectively pro-terrorist. And accountability, well that is for the other guys.

Welcome to Bushworld. Smell the freedom.


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