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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Credibility matters

Attorney General Gonzales once again got the shit kicked out of himself at the hands of the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. Seriously, think piñata but less mentally agile and stuffed with deceit instead of candy. It was a truly shameful performance by the AG. He was all over the place, lying like a con man. Chuck Shumer got so upset that I thought he might actually take a swing at Gonzales.

So just how damaged is the Attorney General? Here is what a few Senators had to say:

John D. Rockefeller (D-WVa) - "He once again is making something up to protect himself."

Arlen Spectre (R-Pa) - "I do not find your testimony credible, candidly.”

Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) - "I don't trust you (Gonzales)."

Gonzales is about a popular as Gonorrhea but at least you can get rid of that with visit to the doctor. Thanks the W, this loser is going to be around forever.

Once again, Worst. President. Ever.


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