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Tuesday, July 03, 2007


In his infinite wisdom and bountiful compassion, President Bush commuted the prison sentence of Scooter Libby, concluding that Libby’s proscribed 30-month stretch was excessive. It would be all too easy (and kind of fun) to focus on the (un)ethical aspect of the President’s decision and to be sure, it is one more step on the path to Nixonland. I mean seriously, is this not obstruction of justice?

But rather than dwelling on yet another of the Administration’s criminal acts, I prefer to reflect on just how fucking stupid Bush was for commuting the sentence instead of pardoning Libby outright. I suppose Bush and more probably, Cheney, had to keep Scooter out of jail, if for no other reason than to cover their collective ass. So, if they knew they had to commute or pardon and either option would invoke a chorus of criticism, why not go all in and lay down a pardon? With poll numbers around 30% and the flaming wreckage of his Presidency in plain view, Bush had nothing to lose. But ever the fool, he chose a course that would not really satisfy those on the Right demanding pardon while still angering the Left. Dumb.

UPDATE: I was so wrong about this being a dumb move (thanks to emptywheel for the education). By commuting Scooter’s sentence, Bush prevented Libby from flipping for a reduced sentence while allowing Libby to retain his right to take the Fifth while the matter is on appeal. Libby stays out of jail and keeps quiet. Two birds, one stone – very, very clever. And evil. But you already knew the evil part.


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