You know - for the kids...

Friday, July 06, 2007

I would rather watch, thank you

Spain’s annual trampling of the drunk and/or suicidal begins tomorrow. I cannot for the life of me imagine why someone would risk, for no good reason mind you, being gored or crushed under the hooves of a hundred running bulls. Seriously, I never want to participate in any activity where winning constitutes avoiding grievous injury. On the other hand, the party sounds like a blast:

Sara Newey, 23, and Rene Armstrong, 25, from Perth, Australia, recounted everything they had to drink in the past twelve hours: a bottle of Jack Daniels, several bottles of sangria, six beers each.

"You just have to keep going," Newey said with a carton of sangria in one hand and a bottle of sparkling wine in the other. They came on a tour with 600 other Australians.

Spoken like true Aussies, God bless ‘em.


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