You know - for the kids...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We are ruled by assholes

That’s the only conclusion I can draw when your new health insurance plan is to reduce the number of kids with health insurance.

I swear to God, there are some free market absolutists (see American Enterprise Institute) that will argue and believe the following:

It is better to have kids go without health insurance if the alternative is government-funded insurance. Subsidizing insurance distorts the market and that equates to Socialized medicine.

Or something. In essence, an undisturbed market is more important than reducing the number of sick and/or dead kids (in a relatively inexpensive manner BTW). In Joe’s world, people who believe such things are assholes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AEI has next to NO credibility in the real research world, FWIW. Most other institutes won't hire their workers even. Lynne Cheney is on the board. 'Nuff said.

I am composing something you might enjoy, stay tuned.

12:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats me sara, for some reason my privacy settings are funky.

12:26 PM

Blogger starpower said...

I think I must live in Joe's world because I totally agree about these guys being assholes. I take comfort in Sara's comment above.

12:39 PM


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