You know - for the kids...

Monday, December 17, 2007

While I am on the dissatisfied Democrat tip...

I second what Kos says. It is time to ditch Harry Reid. I am sick and tired of the Senate buckling to the will of the GOP minority and our thoroughly unpopular President. Seriously, if you are the Majority Leader, then lead the fucking majority. Don't submit and don’t sell out your own team.

Glenn Greenwald is all over this:

Worse still, Reid is completely disregarding the "hold" placed by Chris Dodd on any amnesty bill -- simply refusing to honor it, even as he respectfully honors literally scores of "holds" from GOP Senators such as Tom Coburn. And while Dodd is interrupting his campaigning to fly to Washington to lead the filibuster he vowed, Reid has ensured with scheduling manuevers that the filibuster will take place only over the weekend -- when all of the members are away raising money anyway and journalists aren't paying attention -- with the intent to try to force cloture once everyone returns on Monday.

There are two key objectives for today: (1) do as much possible to pressure Reid to honor Dodd's hold and (2) do as much possible to encourage the presidential candidates and others to actively support Dodd's filibuster, not merely in a cursory way, but through authentic leadership. At least as of now, Reid is the clear villain here, doing everything possible to enable the Bush/Cheney FISA agenda on telecom amnesty and surveillance powers, and doing everything possible, yet again, to ensure that Senate Democrats stand up to nobody except their voters and their base who put them in power.

Dodd gets it. Feingold does too. It is shameful that the leadership does not. As has been said before, we need more and better Democrats.


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