You know - for the kids...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CNN continues its march towards irrelevance

Since J. has gotten to the age where I don’t feel entirely comfortable watching the news with him in the room, I seem to have broken my CNN addiction. And that is a good thing I think. For one, I save myself the trouble of explaining a lot of unpleasant realities to a two year old. There are just things that kids that age should not see, like war footage or Mary Matalin. Another benefit I have found is that these days, I rarely have the urge to kick in the television. That was not always the case, a fact to which Lo can attest. Remember the dark days leading up to the war when damn near everyone was talking about how awesome kicking the shit out of Iraq was gonna be? Let’s just say that in 2001-2002, my TV was skating on some very thin ice. More than once, I barely suppressed the urge to put a coffee mug through the screen.

Well, in its efforts to ensure that I continue my cable news blackout, CNN has hired former Bush shill, Rush Limbaugh stand in, and all around douchebag Tony Snow as a “political commentator”. WTF CNN? The last thing this world needs is another Bush synchophant bloviating on the wonders we have brought to Iraq, the Administration’s super excellent energy policy, or any other issue in our nation discourse. Seriously, the dude was Bush’s spokesman, which means he used to lie to the Press for a living. Why the Hell would anyone find him to be a credible voice on anything?


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