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Monday, April 07, 2008

Later loser

In what can only be described as a day late and a dollar short, the Clinton campaign has finally canned Mark Penn as its chief strategist. This should have been done months ago. Penn is an arrogant blowhard and all around political jackleg. Seriously, his super awesome 10 state strategy and numerous conflicts of interest should have gotten his ass fired forever ago. That he hung around so long is yet another knock on Hillary’s judgment, IMHO. Loyalty has its place, to be sure, but there are limits.

Look, Penn devised the plan that is now forcing Senator Clinton, once the prohibitive Democratic favorite, to seek a route to the nomination that would overturn the will of the people. Depending on how far the Clinton campaign is willing to go with this, the Democrats could be looking at a nasty internecine war. And that, people, in a year that by all rights should be ours, is unforgivable.

Penn’s incompetence helped set this table. The only question remaining is does Hillary have the capacity to walk away before the bloodbath begins? I pray that booting Penn is a sign that she does.


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