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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Someone better watch his back

Scott McClellan, ex-White House Press Secretary, has a new book coming out in which he basically admits that the Administration was full of shit and the Press was too soft to call them out. Really Scott, you think?

Now, I have never liked any of Bush’s Press Secs. Ari Fleischer was smart but a complete asshole. I have disliked Tony Snow since the days when he wrote for the Pilot, my local paper, and the current windbag in residence, Dana Perino, is a dreadful blond thing, constantly perplexed that the Press and indeed to rest of the nation fails to view W as the Second Coming of Reagan. When I hear her voice, I want bore my ears out with a power drill. None of this triumvirate had any problem smiling through whatever bullshit, untruthful agitprop the White House was peddling at the time. But McClellan was a little different; at times, he looked uncomfortable when he knew he was selling a lie, like he needed an Alka Seltzer and a nap. So I almost, kind of, sort of have some sympathy for the guy in that he was maybe, just a little bit, human.

Anyway, I guess now he regrets enabling the Worst President Ever and wants to garner whatever ex post facto redemption he can get (a day late and a dollar short, no?). That is a pretty dangerous game to play with Karl Rove. As Richard Clarke and Paul O’Neal have proven, when insiders speak out against this Administration, the Administration will do its level best to smear and discredit the accuser. That effort proceeds apace and McClellan’s play for clemency may result in a horse’s head in his bed.

UPDATE: After rereading this post, I realized that it came off much more sympathetic to McClellan’s situation than intended. Let me be clear - this book is a self-serving attempt to gloss over his own sins by exposing those of his former employer, proving that Scottie is both cowardly and disloyal. So fuck McClellan and his book. He should have said something when it would have made a difference. It is not like he lacked a forum or the opportunity.


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