You know - for the kids...

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Open Book

Everyone knows someone who, for reasons of their own, operates in the world without a filter. These folks are deficient in a certain ability to halt or even soften the sometimes raw but obvious truth from passing their lips and for whom no topic is off limits. The brain thinks, the mouth speaks, consequences be damned. I am fortunate to know a couple of these people and I say fortunate because few things in this world are as funny as a person possessing a bit of wit coupled with a complete and utter lack of common restraint. This goes double in the workplace. T., a co-worker, 38 year old mother, self-professed cougar and 24/7 party girl is one such person. She is the proverbial Open Book. Here is a bit of the conversation we just had that I think illustrates just how funny, even unintentionally, these folks can be.

Me: So how was your weekend?

T: Pretty good. I saw Step Brothers this weekend and I haven’t laughed that hard in 10 years.

Me: It was good? I love Will Ferrell.

T: It was the best movie he has ever made.

Me: Better than Anchorman or Old School?

T: Oh yeah. But if you go see it, go to a quiet theatre. People were laughing so hard and it was so loud that at times I could not hear it. We went to Regal because I am protesting AMC.

Me: Why are you protesting AMC?

T: Because they raised their prices.

Me: Really. What’s a movie cost now? [Note – I think I have been to one movie in the past year. I seriously have no idea what a movie costs.]

T: Well, I know AMC raised their price by like $1.50 but I am not sure what it was at Regal because I was on a date.

Me: Oh.

T: And he had a Student ID but I think it was like $17.50 for the two of us.

I don’t care who you are. That’s funny.


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