You know - for the kids...

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Can anyone tell me why this man still has a job?

Another General has called for Rummy to step down.

"Specifically, I feel he has micromanaged the generals who are leading our forces there," Swannack said in the telephone interview.
"And I believe he has culpability associated with the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and, so, rather than admitting these mistakes, he continually justifies them to the press ... and that really disallows him from moving our strategy forward."

So just this week, we have a guy that led the 82nd Airborne and another that led the 1st Infantry in combat in Iraq suggest the SecDef has to go. Add to that 2 more Army Generals and a one from the Marines. Think that will make a difference? Think again.

This administration can't even admit mistakes, much less take corrective action.

Accountibility - fuck that - you need war and tax cuts or else the gays and terrorists and evil doers win.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This administration can't even admit mistakes, much less take corrective action.

its actually worse than that, they actively quash/water down anything that makes them look bad.

i do research, often for gov't entities. and our stuff gets censored or canceled all the time. the data says the program isn't working, they cancel the entire study rather than release something that says it isn't working. the data says that the program has this great flaw, they delete that sentence entirely. and, they continue to spend taxpayer dollars on a program if its politically popular even if they know it doesn't work. see "abstinence only sex ed" as the ultimate example of this.

to some extent this is not administration specific, but, the bush administration has taken this to an entirely new level.

8:37 AM


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