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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Being Al Gore

Howard Fineman has a new piece on Al Gore in Newsweek. First off, I have to admit to being a huge fan of Gore. He is smart, funny, and a truly capable politician. He believes in doing right by doing good. And now he is trying to save the world. His new film, "An Inconvenient Truth", lays out the coming consequences of global warming and how we can get ourselves out of the mess we've created. I have not seen the film yet but I will the first chance I get.

The problem with Gore is that he seems to rub some people the wrong way. He has been described as stiff, overbearing, self-righteous, etc. I have never understood the potent aversion folks have to the man but I think James Carville put it correctly in the article:

“The reason people don’t like Gore is that he has been right so damn many times,”

I wish I could say the same about the current Administration and I wish like hell that Gore runs in 2008. We need someone that is good, right, and wants to make government work again.


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