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Friday, June 16, 2006

Our friends, the new Iraqi government

As reported all over the place yesterday, the new Iraqi government is planning to grant amnesty to the insurgents that have killed US troops on the condition that said insurgent has not killed an Iraqis. That's just fucking great - way to go Condi and the whole State Department really. Super job!

If that is not disgusting enough, Atrios has a post up detailing some Republican Senators defending this new policy. If a Democrat tried that shit on the floor of the Senate, he would be shouted down as a traitor. This was a cowardly, shameless act of political calculation, perpetrated solely to offer cover for a failed war policy. Go read some of the quotes.

This is particularly galling given this week's debate of a non-binding resolution in Congress that basically says you either support Dear Leader Bush and his holy Global War on Whatever He Wants or you support the terrorists.

God I hate these people. Support the troops indeed.


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