You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A raise for me but not for thee

Today, the Senate voted down an increase to the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour. The minimum wage has not been increased since 1997. Congressional salaries have increased $35,000 over the same period. I guess it’s all about priorities. Conservatives voted for billions of dollars in tax cuts for rich people but they can’t see their way clear to bumping up folks making less that $11,000 a year. Way to stand up for the little guy.

I hope the Democrats pound the Republicans on this issue come November. As a nation, we deserve better. Fuck the argument that the minimum wage is a job killer. We have had a minimum wage for decades without the American economy going to hell in a handbasket. And fuck the class warfare argument that Republicans always throw out whenever the tax cuts are questioned. That war is over people. Which side do you think won?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one Joe. But come on, without those pay increases how can the Senate afford all their summer vacations to the Hamptons? I mean,they have to rest up for Novemeber don't they? After all, it takes a lot of energy to rob our country blind.

8:31 PM


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