You know - for the kids...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Remember people, it was about the perjury and not the blowjob

I recall a time, back in the Clinton days, when Republicans of every stripe where in high dungeon decrying the President. You see, they argued that since he had lied about his sex life, he could no longer be an effective public servant and thus began impeachment proceedings.

Well hello there

WASHINGTON - Documents indicate eight congressional leaders were briefed about the Bush administration’s terrorist surveillance program on the eve of its expiration in 2004, contradicting sworn Senate testimony this week by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

The documents underscore questions about Gonzales’ credibility as senators consider whether a perjury investigation should be opened into conflicting accounts about the program and a dramatic March 2004 confrontation leading up to its potentially illegal reauthorization.

A Gonzales spokesman maintained Wednesday that the attorney general stands by his testimony.

Turnabout is fair play and without sounding too smug about it, I think it is about time that the Left collected a scalp.


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