You know - for the kids...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Taking the bad with the good

The Bad and boy, it is really, really bad:

Corey Feldman and Corey Haim are reuniting for a reality TV show called The Two Coreys. Um, A&E, what the fuck are you guys thinking? Couldn’t you just have rented Gooonies or maybe read a twenty year old copy of TigerBeat instead? I know I had my fill of these two clowns at least a decade ago and I doubt I am alone. Feldman is a pretentious crybaby. As for Haim, well, the guy disappeared for a reason, no? I predict a total train wreck and yeah, I know I am not exactly going out on a limb there.

And now for the good:

Billy Crudrup is making The Watchmen into a movie. For the uninitiated, The Watchmen is a super cool, Hugo Award winning graphic novel. It is also one of my absolute favorite pieces of fiction. If done right, this movie is gonna rock, ferociously.


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