You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire) is no economist.

Though often one of Bush's most reliable allies in the Senate, Gregg cast doubt on the President's claim that tax rebates would spur Americans to spend more money, thereby strengthening the economy. Many of the products Americans tend to buy are produced in other countries, Gregg noted.

"Maybe it stimulates the Chinese economy," Gregg said on the Senate floor yesterday. "I'm not so sure it stimulates our economy."

I thought free trade was a good thing, something to be encouraged because it benefits everyone. Apparently not, if one is to believe Gregg. I guess the leaders of the modern economic conservative movement that have been preaching the free trade gospel are actually plants for the ChiComs, seeking to expand the Chinese economy via American consumers. We have been duped people. So that is it, no more shopping at Wal-Mart.


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