I heart William Shatner
The erstwhile Captain Kirk did a Q&A with Newsweek to promote his new memoir and the brief excerpt I read reinforces my opinion that Shatner is one very cool, very funny guy.
NEWSWEEK: You've had this incredibly varied career. Is it by design?
William Shatner: It's ad hoc. Fate gives you the finger and you accept [Ed. Note – I think I want that engraved on my tombstone.].
You seem to have this healthy sense of humor about yourself. Did you intentionally set out to self-parodize?
No. It's not something I'm doing consciously. Things people say strike me as amusing, and I am prone to saying out loud what everybody's thinking.
Do you get recognized on the street as the Priceline guy?
Haven't heard that one.
Who does the best impression of you?
I don't recognize what. They're doing. When they're doing. Me.
See. Funny guy.
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