You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Too Arab? WTF does that mean?

Dunkin Donuts has pulled an ad featuring a scarf-wearing Rachael Ray because the wingnuts, lead by the odious Michelle Malkin, thought the scarf looked, wait for it, too Arab and threatened to boycott the donut shop. I am not kidding.

Putting aside the obvious racism involved in declaring something too Arab (or any other ethnic group really), how fucking stupid is this? Moreover, how big an alarmist, paranoid crank does one have to be to get so exercised about a scarf? Do these idiots think that perky little Rachael Ray is a sleeper agent for the Grand Islamofascist Conspiracy? Simply mindboggling…

I draw a few things from this episode. First, to crib from Dr. Freud, sometimes a scarf is just a scarf. Second, the Malkinites of this world are bunch of racist Chicken Littles capable of projecting their bizarre worldview on damn near anything (see item one). Third, the pussies that run Dunkin Donuts ought to be ashamed of themselves for acquiescing and lending credence to those that hold such stupid, bigoted views. Seriously, folding to this crowd is LAME. A Boston Cream would show more spine.


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