On lying and consequences
So two big pieces today from the AP. First, Barry Bonds may be charged with perjury for lying to the BALCO grand jury proceeding regarding steroid use. OK - makes sense; Barry was juiced but told the grand jury he was clean. Barry knew it to be a lie but he had to cover his ass. Major League Baseball could not tolerate having the holder of single season home run record (the most important record in baseball) provably on steroids. The dreaded asterisk would have to come out or MLB may go so far as to revoke the award. But in the end, Bonds thought he could break the rules because he was Barry f—ing Bonds. He is, essentially, a spoiled child and behaved exactly as such. Now Barry may go to jail.
In piece number two, the Dread Pirate Bush blamed the complete implosion of the Republican’s Immigration policy on Harry Reid.
President Bush accused Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid on Thursday of "single-handedly thwarting" action on immigration legislation…
Bush knew this was a lie but he had to lay this disaster at someone else’s feet. So he picked Harry Reid. But Harry Reid once knocked out a guy who tried to bribe him when he was a prosecutor in Vegas going after the mob. Harry Reid will not be punked by Chimpy McHalfwit. The response from the Senator from Nevada:
"President Bush has as much credibility on immigration as he does on Iraq and national security,"…
Couple of other things to consider. If your party controls both Houses, where do you get the brass ones to blame your outnumbered opposition? Also, why go after a tough guy with a lie so thin you can see through it? Because Bush has the same problem as Bonds. He operates from the same childish, self-centered place. I am special and the rules are for the little people. The rebuke of the Immigration policy was a punch directly to Bush’s political nose and he acted like a bully who gets popped for the first time in his life. He threw a temper tantrum and blamed the other guy. But the other guy, he kept swinging. Sweet.
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