You know - for the kids...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Passing through the eye of a needle

Warren Buffet has decided to give his money to charity a little earlier than planned. The largest benefactor will be The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; at current value $37 billion. Said Buffet,

"What can be more logical, in whatever you want done, than finding someone better equipped than you are to do it? Who wouldn't select Tiger Woods to take his place in a high-stakes golf game? That's how I feel about this decision about my money."

You have to love this. Here is a story of a very rich, very smart man using his money for the betterment of society, and doing it in a way that is utterly selfless, modest and practical. He is giving it to people he trusts and know more about philanthropy than he does. Hell – he doesn’t even get his name attached to the foundation.

Caesar built statues of himself; Buffet just writes checks.


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