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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fake Soldier versus Real Soldier

Picture 1: George Felix Allen, Jr. pretending to be a general in the Confederate Army.
Picture 2: Jim Webb in Vietnam.
Who looks tougher to you?

Jim Webb is going to beat George Allen because he is fearless and speaks the truth. His campaign is just kicking Allen's ass all over the place. From Raising Kaine,

Allen Campaign Called Out for Knowingly Misrepresenting Jim Webb's Position on Iraq
Arlington, VA - The campaign of U.S. Senate candidate Jim Webb today blasted George Allen's campaign manager for covering up Allen's failed leadership on Iraq by misrepresenting Webb's prophetic warnings about the war and its aftermath.

"Dick Wadhams is proving the point made recently by pollster John Zogby, who claimed that he was incompetent and should be fired," said Steve Jarding of the Webb campaign. "He reminds me of the Jon Lovitz pathological liar character, Tommy Flanagan, from Saturday Night Live. Like the Flanagan character, Wadhams lies to cover up for, in this case, his boss' inadequacies and failures," Jarding said.

Webb gave the Democrat's response to President George W. Bush's Fourth of July weekend address to the nation last Saturday. Stating at one point that "when things aren't working well, it is the responsibility of our leaders to admit it, and to fix the problem," Webb invoked the experience of Dwight Eisenhower in 1952, when the recently retired General strongly condemned the conduct of the Korean War as "an appalling failure" and claimed that "the old Administration cannot be expected to repair what it failed to prevent."
Wadhams told the AP that the Webb response was further evidence that Webb was offering "conflicting views on how and when to withdraw," and that Webb was in fact backing "a cut and run strategy similar to [what] John Kerry [had] offered."

"Jim Webb is a leader," said Jarding. "Unlike George Allen, he has always led from the front -- he even went to Afghanistan two years ago as an embedded journalist, going on combat operations and sleeping on the ground with the Marines over there. He knows that issues such as the Iraq War can't be solved by wise-guy sound bites of the sort Mr. Wadhams specializes in. Webb has led consistently on the issue of the Iraq War since before the two Georges -- Bush and Allen -- committed the strategic mistake of invading the country. As for John Kerry, Mr. Wadhams knows full well that just last week, Jim Webb said that if he were in the Senate, he would have opposed John Kerry's legislation calling for the U.S. to pull out of Iraq by next year."

"Wadhams is lying about Jim Webb to shift attention from George Allen's empty record on Iraq. Allen has shown no leadership in supporting George W. Bush 100 percent on the Iraq War. He demanded no accounting from Bush before we got in, he glossed over the fact that Bush had no exit strategy, he ignored the fact that we have not protected our troops and indeed rejected the advice of our military leaders that our troop levels there were not high enough thus endangering those who went," said Jarding.

"It is obvious that George Allen fears Jim Webb's independence and his record of strategic vision. It is a strength that the Allen henchmen feel they need to obfuscate and mischaracterize or they will lose. The truth is that George Allen has but one position on the Iraq War, regardless of the consequences there, and that is whatever position George W. Bush tells him to take," Jarding said.

Ouch. That is a fastball right between the eyes. And whatever they are paying Steve Jarding, they need to double it. That guy is a damn Rottweiler.


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