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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Turning Virginia blue

Kos has an outstanding post up regarding Jim Webb and the Senate race. If you are at all inclined to oust George Allen, you ought to check it out. Webb seems to be very much a Libertarian on most of the big social issues. The piece spends a good bit highlighting that point. For example, posted in an update is the Webb campaign's response to flag burning amendment which I lifted directly:

"Jim Webb has great respect for our national flag and great respect for our Constitution, and is proud of the many contributions his family has made in defense of both. Like many combat veterans such as General Colin Powell and former Senators John Glenn and Bob Kerry, he does not believe it is necessary to amend the Constitution in order to protect the dignity of our flag. This is yet another example of deliberately divisive politics that distract Americans from the real issues that are facing our country,” said Kristian Denny Todd, spokeswoman for the Webb campaign.

This is one of the reasons I love this guy. That is the perfect response.
1. Webb takes (IMHO) the right position while defusing the patriotism pseudo-argument by pointing out his own military service.
2. It highlights the relative lack of importance flag burning should have in the nation debate compared to "the real issues facing our country".
3. It calls a spade a spade - this issue is pure base-driven politics and a smokescreen for the stuff that the Senate has not accomplished.

Bravo - I cannot wait for November.


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