You know - for the kids...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Allen v. Webb - Round 1

Play time is over son - go put on your adult clothes.

I have been waiting for the Virginian-Pilot's take on the recent bit of sparring between imitation cowboy George Felix Allen, Jr. and genuine badass Marine Jim Webb. The whole piece is good but the important message here is that Webb will lay down for no one. From the article:

Webb, clearly learning from both Bill Clinton's success and Kerry's failure, is going to respond to every attack, gross and slight, with full firepower. Whether Virginians will eventually grow tired of such warfare, especially if it lasts until Election Day, is an open question. It will certainly make interesting, and very loud, theater.

Oh hell yes. Allen is banking on the Rove playbook that worked so well against John Kerry; impugning the character and patriotism of decorated Veteran. Well, Jim Webb is no John Kerry. Kerry got punked because he was too timid to really fire back. That was very stupid. You don't reason with someone who just punched you in the nose and is getting ready to hit you again. And you certainly don't ignore him. Either way you will look foolish and weak. You hit him back, preferably with a brick.


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