You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Incompetence without bounds

Sweet Jesus - these people should not be allowed to handle sharp objects much less run the Department of Homeland Security. CNN has the details. So DHS cuts funding to DC and NYC by 40% because, you know, the terrorists are getting tired of hitting those places I guess. DHS develops a database of critical infrastructure that considers Indiana the most target rich environment for terrorism in the US. The database lists a kangaroo conservation center and a bean festival as targets but misses the Brooklyn Bridge or the Statue of Liberty. WTF?

This is further proof that the Administration cares not a wit about governing. They just royally suck at executing any plan. And accountability, that only applies if you are a Democrat. A capable President would have fired Michael Chertoff in a heartbeat. Sheer fucking arrogance and incompetence – it would be funny if thousands of lives were not at stake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah but that seems to be falling by the wayside now that the plot to blow up the tunnels from jersey have revealed. There was a thing on NPR about their methodology but all you really need to know is if the government calculated it, its probably wrong, outdated, or just plain stupidly measured.

8:42 AM


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