You know - for the kids...

Friday, July 07, 2006

It's hard out there for a President

I am torturing myself by listening to Preznit Bush's press conference. His standard response to almost any question is "this is hard work". WTF? Does he think the job should be easy?

Please God, can you fix it so that our next POTUS is someone that can think on their feet?

Also, why does he keep saying we cannot ignore tyranny all the while maintaining such cozy relationships will Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Egypt?


Blogger starpower said...

Torture indeed. I was YELLING at him through my radio. He, of course, couldn't hear b/c he was so busy smugly insulting the reporters. Speaking of insulting, that's how it must be for a smart, critically-thinking reporter to have to ask questions of a numbnut in power--a numbnut who never actually answers a question. Ugh, to be trapped in a room with that guy...and only be able to smile congenially.

Once again: all hail Stephen Colbert.

2:20 PM


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