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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lying liars and their enablers

Karl Rove is not a nice person. In fact, he thinks you are an idiot. He thinks that if he lies with enough sincerity, you will believe him. Furthermore, he will lie about anything to anyone and rarely if ever get called on it; witness this interview with Charlie Rose in which the mendacious son of a bitch bastard blames Congress for the War in Iraq.

ROSE: Give me something.

ROVE: I just did. I told you the administration was opposed to voting on it in the fall of 2002. [ed. Note – I call bullshit]

ROSE: Because?

ROVE: Because we didn’t think it belonged in the confines of the election. We thought it made it too political [me again – WTF, nothing and I mean nothing is too politcal for these assholes]. We wanted it outside the confines of the election. It seemed it make things move too fast. There were things that needed to be done to bring along allies and potential allies abroad and yet–

ROSE: So you didn’t do it because…?

ROVE: There was a vote, and I’m– I’m–

ROSE: But you were opposed to the vote.

ROVE: It happened. we don’t determine when the Congress vote on things. The Congress does.

ROSE: You wish it hadn’t happened at that time. you would have preferred it did not happen at that time.

ROVE: That’s right.

ROSE: Because your argument– your argument is you would have had maybe more inspections. You would have been able to build a broader coalition. You could have done a whole lot other things if you didn’t have to have a vote, right?

ROVE: Right, right, exactly.

This just makes my blood boil. Rove is attempting to rewrite history here and a very special thanks to Charlie Rose for being such an ardent skeptic and consummate journalist in challenging Rove’s dissembling. Not only did Rose let Rove lie with impunity, he was falling over himself to actually make Rove’s point for him. Bravo sir, well played.


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