You know - for the kids...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And the horse you road in on...

The moron in the white cowboy hat is former Governor, current Junior Senator from Virginia, and right wing empty suit, George Allen. He also has the dubious distinction of being Rush Limbaugh's preferred candidate for Pres in '08. He was first elected on the strength of his father's name - the much loved former coach of the Redskins - and quickly became a prototypical Big Business Republican with the same aw-shucks, down home facade as GWB. I cannot express the contempt I feel for this man without my face turning red and swearing enough to make a sailor blush. This airhead, frat boy, wingnut is an embarrassment to the Old Dominion. We deserve better. And we have the opportunity to replace this clown with a true American badass. Jim Webb is a former Marine, former Secretary of the Navy under Reagan(!), and author of a number of best-selling books. Seriously, this guy's resume looks a Hollywood mock-up for the hero of a spy thriller flick. So if you haven't paid any attention to the '06 race and are looking for a guy to get behind, Webb is about the best you are going to get.

So let's replace a halfwit with a citizen soldier. The Commonwealth needs another Senator she can be proud of.

UPDATE: See Jim Webb on the Colbert Report.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on (no pun)about Virginia's own GWB clone. Now two villages are missing their idiots. The man's adulation from the right is mystifying. If he was not George Allen's son he would be running a hardware store, poorly, in Suffolk (My apologies to hardware store owners and Suffolkians everywhere).
He gives empty suits a bad name. When the duo of John Warner and Chuck Robb were in the senate Virginia had two of the best senators ever. Trying to find a couple of men who would actually try to do the right thing, and politics be damned, is rare. I am afraid the lantern has gone out.
John McCain is now in the process of wooing the religious right with the recent suckup to Falwell - you know he hates him. McCain is the closest thing we have to an honorable man as a potential presidential candidate and he is already being compromised. One can only hope he'll say "Just kidding Jerry" at a press conference.
Keep blogging dude - you're making sense

1:44 PM


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