I think Rush may be back on the pills
From Media Matters, via Atrios, fat lying bastard alert:
Limbaugh claimed Wash. Post's former Red America blogger was not a plagiarist -- but blogger admitted it
Summary: Rush Limbaugh falsely claimed that after "the left-wing fringe threw a hissy fit" about The Washington Post's hiring of Ben Domenech to write for a conservative weblog on the newspaper's website, the Post "concocted some phony excuse that the guy that they had hired was a plagiarist" and "he was gone inside of two weeks." In fact, on the day of his resignation -- four days after his blog for the Post began -- Domenech admitted to using other writers' work "inappropriately and without attribution."
Not only is Limbaugh just completely and utterly full of shit, but he doesn't even make the effort to appear credible anymore. He just makes it up as he goes, knowing that the mindless drones that believe his nonsense, will buy it all. When confronted with facts, they cry about the liberal media and its bias against their delusional worldview. What a great gig...
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