The face of Madness
Tom Cruise gets a lot of ink for his crazy talk about Scientology, psychotherapy, pharmaceuticals, etc. His bizarre behavior has been a mostly harmless spectacle in the endless circus of celebrity stargazing. Then, the nutty bastard starts spouting off about wanting to EAT HIS BABY'S PLACENTA. When you finish vomiting, read that again. This man is out of his fucking mind. I actually saw the placenta during the birth of J. and I can tell you, unequivocally and with recent experience, it looks nothing like food. And putting aside the obvious cannibalistic overtones here (a phrase I never thought I would write), what possible reason could one have to even consider this?
What Tom Cruise needs is not an afterbirth nosh, but an intervention.
Actually, that was taken out of context by an African newspaper, and then picked up by several other papers internationally and then nationally. Apparently it was a joke made in GQ magazine, but who knows? That man is a veritable K-hole of crazy. Any-who, if you have google news (tracks news stories from 100s of outlets for you and refreshes itself every 15 seconds) you can watch newstories unfold as it goes on one paper and then others pick it up and the headlines change. Think of it as the "purple monkey dishwasher" of newsreporting. You should check it out, if only for anthropological purposes.
2:36 PM
So Sara - defending Cruise are we?
2:42 PM
On another page, same book…having produced the placenta that joestrummerlives witnessed, I can assure you under no circumstances and even with modern medicine’s miracle drug (all hail the epidural), is the labor and delivery process silent. I mean, c’mon, Katie love. You should have kicked your hubby to be (poor girl) in the nuts a few times and told him to keep quiet.
3:21 PM
oh hell no, i think the fact that that story didn't pass the laugh test at all these newspapers is proof positive that he's a total fruitcake. its actually worse than the actual story itself to me.
and i had to be eating lasagna when i read it, which means he must die for making me gag on the dish of the motherland for his stupid antics.
4:37 PM
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