You know - for the kids...

Friday, May 29, 2009

The cracker wing

There is simply no denying that a good portion of the modern Republican Party is comprised of bigots, not necessarily balls to the wall racist Dixiecrats of Jim Crow South, but bigots nonetheless. Former Rep. and GOP Presidential candidate Tom “Build a Wall” Tancredo decided to fly that flag yesterday by accusing SCOTUS nominee Sotomayer of racism and calling La Raza the “Latino KKK without the hoods or nooses” on CNN with anchor Rick Sanchez.

Jeez Tom, project much? And how completely oblivious does one have to be to slag Latinos in front of a guy whose last name is Sanchez? Hats off to the anchor for being professional (if somewhat taken aback) during the exchange…
(Via Atrios)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Now that is a conundrum

So the California Supreme Court has ruled that the odious Proposition 8 banning same-sex marriage is constitutional and yet the 18,000+ gay marriages performed prior to the prop’s passing are legal and valid. That strikes me as odd in that California now has a protected class with rights unattainable for the rest of its gay citizens. How in the world is that an equitable or sustainable situation?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


One of the worst kept secrets in Washington has been Obama’s short list of nominees for the Supreme Court. Speculation on that topic began before Obama was even inaugurated and Sonia Sotomayer’s name has been kicked around for at least that long. Therefore, it should surprise no one that she gets the nod, potentially becoming the first Hispanic and third woman to serve. In other non-surprising developments, the Republicans will attempt to paint her as a crazy liberal activist judge that wants to force pornography and abortions upon your teenagers (or some such other nonsense). Senators McConnell and Cornyn are spoiling for a fight over Sotomayer , if for no other reason than kicking the shit out of a liberal woman is what those assholes consider fun (think of Hillary’s treatment as First Lady). Something tells me that this confirmation hearing is going to put a ding in the GOP’s Hispanic outreach efforts…

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Goddam Penguins

I hate Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

And Maine makes five

I wonder how many states have to approve gay marriage before the Family Research Council hits Jonestown territory?