You know - for the kids...

Friday, August 28, 2009

In case you haven’t heard…

The new Rancid album, “Let the Dominoes Fall”, is fanatistic; IMHO their best work in 10 years. Seriously, it is “Let’s Go” or “Out Come the Wolves” good, which of course means it is completely awesome. As with their older stuff, this album is a blend of reggae, ska, straight ahead punk and even a dash of old style country (WTF?!?!) on a few tracks. Here they are doing an acoustic version of a new track, “New Orleans”. Enjoy!


Everyone in the world has written a eulogy for the dearly departed Edward Kennedy but I have a special place in my heart for the man. You see, my father was an ardent Reaganite. He believed that Saint Ronny could walk on water. As I was just a kid at the time, I had no real consciousness of politics and powerbrokers and my own liberalism was not yet formed, but I specifically remember a number of occasions where Dad, bourbon in hand and Cronkite or Rather on the TV, was railing against “that damn liberal Kennedy”. So if the man pissed off a rock-ribbed conservative like my father, he must have been doing good work. And though flawed as he was, Kennedy loved his country and made it a better place. One can’t ask much more of a politician than that.

I’ve been busy dammit

Between the new baby, work, travel, and a bit of burnout, I really haven’t been that motivated to write much lately but I hope that may be changing.