Bush Rules indeed
Go read Froomkin. He blasts the detainee bill for allowing the President to play Calvinplay with the prisoners.
You know - for the kids...
Go read Froomkin. He blasts the detainee bill for allowing the President to play Calvinplay with the prisoners.
I can’t decide which piece of this story I find most disturbing. Is it:
The US Constitution says the following regarding prosecution and trial of suspected criminals. The detainee bill passed by the House violates each portion in some way. This thing is never getting approved by the Supreme Court.
I have been meaning to post about Bush’s disgraceful Sunday interview with Wolf Blitzer but it took me forever to find the transcript (hat tip to the Carpetbagger). In the exchange, our rock-headed President declared that the war in Iraq would be seen as a “comma” in the history books.
Science has no agenda
Why healthcare and specifically, a national single payer system, is not a bigger political issue is a mystery to me. Especially when you get news like this:
Larry Sabato, UVA prof and classmate of Sen. Allen, has unequivocally claimed that the Senator did indeed use the n-word, contrary to Allen’s prior denials. From the AP:
The recently completed National Intelligence Estimate concluded that the war in Iraq has helped incubate more terror cells. From the Guardian:
Stories depicting a candidate as an overt racist are bad enough. The killer here is Allen’s recent statements that he learned tolerance from his family and that he never used the “N-word”. It was, of course, utter bullshit but it was at least plausibly true. If we are to believe Michael Scherer’s Salon article, Allen was provably racist while in college and a huge liar right now.
Police found four dozen bodies in and around Baghdad in the past 24 hours. The death tolls in recent months are breaking the kinds of records one wishes would remain unbroken. Kidnapping victims are being press ganged into becoming suicide bombers. Meanwhile, the Administration seems to be laying the ground work for deposing the existing leadership and putting together yet another government. All of this is bad enough until you read something like this. The headline, “Braving death, Baghdad's children start school”, is the most depressing thing I have seen in a while. Until I read the final paragraph:
Go read tristero and digby at Hullabaloo. They are exactly right. If the Senate “compromise” on detainee treatment passes, it will codify actions that violate the Geneva Convention. It will endanger our troops when they are captured and will undermine any claim that this country has to the moral high ground. This disgusting deal is nothing sort of a wound to America’s core beliefs. Fuck McCain, fuck Graham, and fuck Warner for selling out our country’s principles. Fuck the Democrats for getting rolled like this.
Guess where you go when you Google "Worst President Ever" and hit the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
The Allen campaign has issued a press release acknowledging his family’s Jewish heritage, claiming ignorance of that fact until a recent magazine article discovered it and his mother confirmed. From Allen’s statement:
George Allen’s inner cracker popped out again in yesterday’s debate, bristling at the suggestion that he was some Jewish heritage. From the Post:
US authorities arrested Maher Arar, an innocent Canadian citizen, on bad information provided by the Royal Mounted Police. Mr. Arar was then shipped to Syria, via Jordan, imprisoned for a year, and repeatedly tortured. He was never given a trial, a charge, or even a lawyer.
The general consensus is that Jim Webb well and truly whipped George Felix Allen, Jr. on Meet the Press yesterday. Larry Sabato, probably the most astute political observer in the Commonwealth, called it for Webb, as did most everyone else. From the Cavalier Daily:
This is not a huge surprise but as the article says, this will surely give new life and meaning to the Democrats’ “culture of corruption” rhetoric. The timing of this could not be worse for the Republicans.
In Iraq today, police discovered 65 murdered people while car bombs, mortars, and shootings non-murdered another 30. Ah, sweet, sweet progress…
So we know that the Administration will lie about anything. As such, that striking reduction in murders in Baghdad claimed by the military is bullshit. From the AP:
Last night, Keith Olbermann gave the commentary of his life - passionate, forceful, courageous, and defiant as hell. If you haven’t seen it, you must. It is as stirring an eight and a half minutes as one will find in cable journalism. Here is a taste:
Fire away Keith - you are doing God's work...
I had every intention of watching Bush’s nonpolitical 9/11 speech tonight. Really I did. But I just could not bring myself to do it; not today. I have been trying to figure out what to say, if anything, about the world we live in five years hence. I knew no one that died in that day’s events. I always feel that commenting on 9/11 in any sort of personal way for those of us fortunate enough to not be directly affected by it demeans the loses of those that did. I believe, rightly or wrongly, that the victims, survivors, and heroes of 9/11 own this day and the grief that it brought them. I was a simple bystander hundreds of miles away. In that spirit, I want to recount what I saw and felt and how I see things now.
The Washington Post has a decent article up about Allen’s effort to rally support among minorities after ‘macaca’. The article stresses the changing demographics in the Commonwealth and Allen’s minority outreach at a recent ‘ethnic event’ (the Post’s words, not mine). First off, having something called an ethnic event speaks volumes. I guess those private fundraisers held at country clubs are ‘white events’. Anyway, our boy George is on an image repair crusade but the affable bumpkin on horseback shtick is starting to wear thin; even for Republicans. From the Post:
Today we remember a horrible moment in American history. I don't have anything more to add...
In the long tradition of publishing bad news on Friday, the Senate has finally released their report on the investigation of links (or lack thereof) between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaida. And guess what – there weren’t any. From the AP:
If you live in the Commonwealth and have a working television, you have undoubtedly seen George Allen’s campaign ads. He has been all over the airwaves. As a Webb supporter, I have been waiting (and waiting) his response. Well, today I got an email from the campaign; they are getting ready to hit the airwaves and their ad is a thing of beauty. The campaign describes it thusly:
Terrorist bombers struck India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq today. So far, over 50 people are dead, though that number will rise. While these bombings are not related in any sort of tactical sense, today’s horror show sort of underscores just how restive that part of the world is. Iraq is fucking bedlam and Afghanistan is not far behind. Pakistan is one assassination away (the angels that watch over President General Pervez Musharraf are some very busy fellows) from a serious meltdown. Then there is India, which has been hit repeatedly in recent months. The Indians are super pissed (understandably) at Pakistan for harboring terrorists and are running out of patience. And oh yeah – both nations have nukes and hate each other with the fury of a thousand suns.
An Australian scientist today claimed that his team has isolated a strain of bacteria that can eat toxic waste and render it harmless to humans.
Good Lord. The Saudis are mulling over a proposal to ban women from the vicinity of Mecca’s holy sites and, in particular, the area of the Grand Mosque during daily prayers. From the AP:
Dunkin’ Donuts challenges Starbucks
The Clinton administration officials that are blamed for 9/11 in ABC's new dramatization (they have abandoned docudrama and documentary) have fired back regarding the rampant inaccuracies in the film. From ABC News:
I just love seeing an article titled “War turns southern women away from GOP”. In 2004, Bush received 54% of the Southern female vote. A recent AP/Ipsos poll shows a 3 out of 5 Southern women plan to vote for a Democrat in the mid-term elections. If that holds, expect the GOP to take as serious beating in Dixie. The tried and true Rovian strategy of flogging social issues to distract from real problems is wearing thin as evidenced by this:
The U.S. Geological Surveys has released a study finding abnormally high numbers of “intersex” fish in the Potomac River. From the AP article:
Real world: Al-Qaida in Iraq No.2 dead
The lefty blogs (go check out AmericaBlog – they are all over this) are going nuts over ABC’s new mini-series, The Path to 9/11. By most accounts, the film is a piece of serious propaganda that blames Bill Clinton for that most infamous terror attack while absolving, or just ignoring, President Bush’s actions. In fact, the movie contains a fictionalized scene in which CIA operatives have the opportunity to kill Bin Laden but the White House refuses to allow an attack. This is, of course, utter bullshit. Editor and Publisher has a quick summary of the story and there should be no doubt that this is a film with an agenda, namely covering Bush’s ass. And that agenda is driven by the director, David L. Cunningham, and the producer, Cyrus Nowrasteh; both are right-wing hacks. Even more disturbing, Tom Keane, Republican co-chair of the 9/11 Commission, has sanctioned the film as “reasonably accurate”, whatever the hell that means. BTW – I think Mr. Keane’s credibility just took a hit. Furthermore, advance copies have been sent to any number of conservative media outlets while requests from several liberal sources (and reportedly, Pres. Clinton himself) have been denied. The folks responsible for the travesty really don’t want to answer any questions about their docudrama until after release.
Republican legislators and party activists are not at all pleased with the recruiting efforts of Liddy Dole, the campaign committee chair. Many of the top-tier recruits opted out in what is shaping up to be a tough election for conservatives. As such, weak candidates like Katherine Harris, running for Bill Nelson’s Florida Senate seat, are going to win primaries, only to be destroyed in the general. To get a sense of just how bad things are in the Harris campaign, just read the opening few paragraphs from a new AP story.
The CW has laid out a simple but brilliant platform on which the Democrats should run and win.
Iran’s wackjob of a President is purging liberals and secularists from teaching posts in schools and universities. Why does this matter?
In the spirit of a holiday to celebrate the American worker, the always brilliant BBC offers up a sobering look at the state of the US labor force. Basically, Bushenomics has undercut the real wages of the average worker in a time of record corporate profits. As productivity soared, fewer workers reaped the benefits (italics from the article).
Companies and shareholders are keeping an ever greater share of the resulting economic output.
One way to comprehend what is happening is to look at the split between how much of the economy is won by profits and how much by wages.
The share allotted to corporate profits increased sharply, from 17.7% in 2000 to 20.9% in 2005, while the share going to wages has reached a record low.
Indeed, the rich are getting richer.
The incomes of the top 20% have grown much faster than earnings of those at the middle or bottom of the income distribution. The income of the top 1% and top 0.1% have grown particularly rapidly. As Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world put it, “The class war is over. My side won”.
My lovely hometown has finally received federal approval for a starter light rail line. This is excellent news for anyone that works in downtown Norfolk and the immediate vicinity. Eventually, this line will run from the Naval Base all the way to the Virginia Beach oceanfront. Now, we just need to find the money…
George Allen has declined a leadership award from the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund, producing even more fallout from his recent ‘Macaca’ problem. WTF? How in the hell did a guy with a very checkered past on racial issues (and I am being much more generous than Allen deserves) get an award from a group named for the lawyer that won Brown vs. Board of Education and became our nation’s first African-American Supreme Court Justice? Seriously, how did this happen and who were the people that made this decision? Well, the Board of Directors reads like a who’s who of American business. Coca-Cola, Siemans, Booz Allen Hamilton, Phillip Morris, Wahl-Mart, and Maconalds are all represented on the Board as well as David Stern, the commissioner of the NBA(?!?!?!). Lots of these companies are serious Republican donors. So let me give you my version of events. I am totally speculating what went down here but this is my guess: