Time to get serious
A new report from NASA states that we have about ten years before global warming becomes a self-perpetuating process. Ten years.
I don’t know about you but I find that scary as hell.
You know - for the kids...
A new report from NASA states that we have about ten years before global warming becomes a self-perpetuating process. Ten years.
So Karl Rove, Richard Armitage, and Scooter Libby conspired to out a now officially covert CIA operative, one working on non-proliferation no less, in an attempt to discredit her husband. That there is some mighty fine governance…
It is hard to put much stock in polls this far out from an election, but it appears that Christian conservatives are throwing their support to Rudy Giuliani.
In what must be one of more interesting juxtapositions in the news today, Reuters is reporting that, due to global warming, Inuit have been falling through the polar ice and drowning. Meanwhile, an AP story details the Bush Administration’s rejection of yet another multinational accord attempting to limit carbon emissions.
People, for the love of God, put on a life preserver if you are on a boat or a jet ski. It is better to look silly than be dead.
Wolfowitz, ever the stand up guy, blames the media for his resignation/removal from the World Bank. These fucking people; you would think admitting a mistake would kill them.
I know I wasn’t the only person disheartened by the Democrats capitulation on the war funding bill. That singular act of cowardice seems to have been the last straw for Cindy Sheehan. She is giving up on the anti-war movement and going home.
The only good thing coming out of this bill is a long overdue increase in the minimum wage. That, IMHO, is not worth the price of continuing our Iraqi misadventure but it is at least something...
Scott Adams wrote that as an example of a logical fallacy he called the Total Logical Disconnect. I bring this up in reference to Commander Guys’s press conference yesterday. In the few minutes I heard, he was his usual bumbling ridiculous self but said nothing that struck me as out of the ordinary stupid. Via DailyKos, I read something I must have missed.
You have probably heard that Florida is experiencing a severe drought. Rain has been so infrequent that water levels in Lake Okeechobee are at record lows. The receding shoreline has exposed tons of muck, defined in the article as “rotted, dead plant life and sediment” (yum!). This stuff is apparently killing off life in Okeechobee. Seeing an opportunity to help breathe some life back into lake, the state is going to remove the muck.
Cribbed in full from the Pilot:
A Doubleday imprint will publish a travel manual penned by none other than Sasha Baron Cohen’s Borat Sagdiyev.
Now that the Dems have caved on the war (still pissed), focus in Washington is shifting to the other big issue right now: what the hell do we do about all of these Mexicans? I am sort of an agnostic on immigration. I think there ought to be some way for folks to come here and work legally. I also think that the current state of things is pretty destructive to the lives of the undocumented, the communities they inhabit, and the economic consequences of both. The big problem here is that Mexico has a corrupt, oligarchic economic system, geared to sustaining a cadre of super wealthy on the backs of a permanent underclass. If Mexico didn’t suck so bad and people had hope of rising out of poverty, they would stay home, if for no other reason than the food is better. But we cannot fix Mexico overnight and 12 plus million of their citizens are already here – illegally to boot. So what do we do?
Jesus Christ, is there no one with balls enough to send the President a bill that limits his ability to fuck up the war any further? I swear to God, this is a shameful episode in the history of opposition politics. Right now, I don’t want to be a Democrat. The American public wants this war to end. They want the soldiers back home rather than blown to bits in some shithole Baghdad neighborhood. The Democrats in Congress should have sent the Commander Guy a bill with some teeth. Those assholes had the numbers in Congress and on the street and still rolled over for Bush. How very fucking brave of them. From the Post:
Yahoo's Feature section asks the following question:
Aggressive local and state level environmental policy is one of the more interesting phenomena in government recently. California (Arnold in particular) has been at the forefront of this issue while Utah, Connecticut, and 500 US mayors have gotten into the act as well. Now New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed converting the entire NYC Yellow cab fleet to hybrid vehicles (thanks to my lovely and brilliant wife for the heads up). From the AP:
I am always somewhat skeptical of these attempts to glimpse “how the other half lives” simply for the fact that these experiments lack the gnawing, constant fear accompanying true food insecurity. So while attempting to live on a $21 weekly food budget is somewhat noble, these folks know they have the option to cheat and sneak a burger or whatever. That is a luxury those dependent on food stamps do not have. Rep. Jim McGovern put it quite succinctly:
British prosecutors are seeking the extradition of ex-KGB agent Andrei Lugovoi in conjunction with the Polonium poisoning another former spy Alexander Litvinenko. According to Russian law, Russia cannot extradite a citizen. If a foreign country wishes to bring a case against a Russian national, the case must be prosecuted in Russia. Not what one would call a level playing field to begin with but I doubt that matters much. I am sure this is the last thing the Kremlin wants to dig into and will be amazed if Logovoi ever sees the inside of a courtroom, much less a real trial. As they say in North Jersey, this guy is connected.
From the Conventional Wisdom:
That is the title of GQ’s excellent profile of Jim Webb (hat tip to DailyKos). Here is an excerpt:
The Post’s Jose Antonio Vargas has a terrific article today analyzing the growing gulf between the Left and Right in terms of effective use of the Internet. Quite simply, progressives are kicking much conservative ass on the Web and that is not likely to change very soon. Our side raises money and gets people elected. Theirs parrots whatever foolishness happened to flow from the puffy, drug-addled maw of Rush Limbaugh.
In a brief moment of mild self-awareness, George Bush acknowledged that he might be, in some smallish part, liable for Tony Blair stepping down as Prime Minister.
Growing up on the west side of Norfolk, the Norfolk Southern rail yard was a short bike ride away. One of the spur lines ran parallel to a soccer field I played on, down through the 21st Street corridor, perpetually blocking crossings and funneling traffic into a handful of underpasses (if it was raining hard, God help you). Another line ran past my Dad’s business, bringing coal in from West Virginia. It seemed that you were never too far from a blaring train horn or the ding-ding of the crossing bell. When I was old enough to drive, my friends and I would race the yard road that ran from the yard entrance out to the edge of the Lafayette River and back to the outlet on Powhatan Avenue at the 38th Street Car Shop.
CNN’s headline says “Wolfowitz to resign as World Bank chief” but in reality, he was fired and allowed a graceful exit. So the lesson here boys and girls is keep your pen out of company ink.
Al Gore, in a Time interview out today, discussing a potential run for the Presidency:
Bill Clinton has cobbled together $5 Billion worth of financing to back a building rehab program that promises to lower carbon output and increase energy efficiency (remember what it was like to have a President that could accomplish good things – ah the good old days). This is such a cool idea and has the support of sixteen cities and five of the biggest banks on the planet. Anyway, I found this passage surprising:
Tim Armstrong, frontman for Rancid, is releasing a solo album called A Poet’s Life on May 22nd. I have listened to three tracks so far and they are AWESOME. The bit I have heard so far has a first wave ska feel full of up strumming and horns, but updated by Tim’s gravelly vocals, a fairly generous use of sampling, and some complicated mixing.
The Pilot is reporting that police have an informant who places Michael Vick at more than one dogfight. I had hoped that he was not involved in this business. Michael, I thought, was a pretty OK guy. Marcus was the screw-up. Well apparently, they are both asshole thugs. Fighting dogs is brutish and sick. The appropriate punishment for those wretched enough to participate in this act of violence is locking them in a pen with their beasts.
General consensus from the wingers at the National Review is that Rudy! won last night. He most successfully played the tough guy card and in this election cycle, machismo appears to be the most valuable commodity for Republican contenders. I fail to see how being the candidate most eager to torture people qualifies one to be President but that was the tenor of the debate last night; Constitution be damned. Hell, Mitt Romney, to much applause mind you, went so far as to say that not only would he support interrogation via torture, he wanted to double the size of Gitmo so that we could deprive more prisoners of legal representation. I am not kidding. He actually said that. Crooks and Liars has the video. Giuliani, BTW, came across positively bloodthirsty on torture and the war on terror. McCain had the sanest response to the torture question, “torture is bad”, and yet, he was the only one to say it. That should scare the shit out of anyone who views the rule of law as important and does not harbor some bizarre “Jack Bauer Saves the World by pistol whipping a terrorist” fantasy scenario.
There are a few world-class gutter maneuvers in the asshole playbook. Hitting on the widow at her husband’s wake is one. Publicly humiliating the handicapped for their disability also comes to mind. Intimidating the infirmed while in the hospital is another classic (my favorite performance of this was when Newt Gingrich asked his wife, whom he was cheating on, for a divorce while she was hospitalized for cancer treatment – what a sweetheart he is).
Timothy Noah has a roundup of Jerry Falwell’s Greatest Hits. After reading the piece, I realized I was far too charitable to the Reverend yesterday. He was a bigot, a bastard and a conman. I will not miss him.
The White House has chosen to defend Paul Wolfowitz even though the World Bank found that he had broken Bank rules.
From CNN:
Sophia Loren promised (threatened) to do a striptease if her beloved Napoli soccer club wins enough games this season to moved up to the Serie A league.
With the difficult tasks of memorializing the victims of the tragedy and honoring the graduates, Tech struck just the right balance. I don’t know if a ceremony can be both somber and celebratory but this one managed it. President Steiger was excellent and received two standing ovations. Gen. Abizaid’s remarks were terrific. My only complaint was the ceremony was overly long. Given the circumstances, that is but a minor flaw, hardly worth mentioning really.
From Salon via DailyKos:
From the AP:
New Yorkers favor Mayor Michael Bloomberg over former Mayor Rudy Giuliani for President 46% to 29% and think Bloomberg is the better mayor 56% to 29%.
Lo and I are going to see the fabulous Holly graduate Veterinary School (Big Ups Holly!). The fact that Tech’s graduation is a front-page story on Yahoo, well nobody wanted that. I am excited to see everybody, thrilled for Holly, but the whole thing is tinged with a bit of sadness and at the same time, a bit of pride. I am just in awe of the way those kids have come together and handled what must have been a terribly traumatic situation with dignity, grace and class. Not much else to say but God bless them and go Hokies…
My brother, and BTW the bestest brother a guy could have, turned 30 today. So here's to you bro', I hope you make it a good one.
Fearing for GOP’s future in the coming election, a group of Republican lawmakers met with the President this week and told him he has only a few months to show progress on Iraq or face abandonment of his policy by Congress.
The Dept. of Treasury is scrutinizing a trip to Cuba that Moore arranged for some ill 9/11 rescue workers. The trip, part of his upcoming documentary on the US healthcare industry entitled “Sicko”, may have violated the government’s travel restrictions to Cuba.
Jim Lindberg, lead singer for Pennywise, answers the question of how to be a responsible 41 year old punk rock father.
CNN is reporting that Rudy! and his wife made donations to an organization loathed by the Republican base; one which haunts the nightmares of many a wingnut. That’s right people, he gave money to Planned Parenthood.
Ann Coulter at her evil, skanky, slanderous best (worst?):
If you are a Republican running for President, these numbers should scare the hell out of you.
It takes a special kind on stupid to quote Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate General and one of the founders of the KKK, on the floor of the US House. To categorize it as wildly inappropriate is a bit of an understatement. To my mind, it is akin to quoting Hitler at a JCC meeting. That, however, did not stop Texas Republican (of course) Rep. Ted Poe.
Fifteen Democrats rolled over for Big Pharma yesterday, killing an effort to allow importation of cheaper, foreign prescription medicines. Particularly surprising and disappointing were the “yes” votes from Kennedy and Kerry. A real profile in courage there fellas…
First, Boehner bailed and now Lott. We are witnessing, at long last, the disintegration of the pro-war caucus and perhaps the return of sanity to Congress. God willing, we could be out of Iraq by Christmas.
I wonder why the Sierra Club never gets busted for bribery…
The House Minority Leader, John Boehner (R-OH) just gave the Democrats a gift like no other. He gave them a way to end the Iraq War without committing political suicide. In an interview yesterday, he said the following:
He claims he misunderstood the question and from his retraction, I believe him.
When Nancy Pelosi and a delegation of Congressmen met with the Syrians last month, the Administration singled out Pelosi as having done a Very Bad Thing. The wingnuts said her actions were akin to treason. Yet there was nary a peep regarding any of the males on the same trip. Flash forward to this week when Condi Rice met with the Syrian Foreign Minister at the big “What the hell do we do about Iraq?” conference in Egypt. Rice’s meeting was hailed as thawing of relations and the beginnings of a dialogue between the quarreling states.
It was pretty boring. No one melted down though Thompson came just short with his “let’s fire the Homos” comment. No one really set the stage on fire either. Here is my short take on each of the candidates.
With the first Republican debate tonight, the big question for the contenders is what to say about The Commander Guy. It is a good question. As Adam Nagourney put it:
From a speech today:
Matt Taibbi has a great obituary (if one can call it that) in the latest issue of Rolling Stone. Let’s just say that Taibbi has little love for the former President.
The fighting between the Ethiopian regulars and Islamic radicals has cooled enough for the African Union forces to start patrols while tentative negotiations begin. This is a very good first step to building a lasting peace in Somalia and staving off what could be a nasty humanitarian crisis.
I am not the greatest writer in the world – this I know. I write for fun. It is not my job and I don’t get paid for it. Many other people, however, make their living writing. So when I saw this inane, contradictory headline/sub-header combo on MSNBC.com, I wanted to scream:
A new study out claims that the Arctic polar ice cap is melting at a rate 30 years ahead of predictions and could be completely gone by 2020.